NIIMBL Faculty Fellows: A Sabbatical and Industry Program

Deadline: December 31st, 2025 05:00 PM EST

Account required to apply. Click "Apply Now" to register/login.


Applications for NIIMBL’s Faculty Fellows program will be received and evaluated on a rolling basis beginning March 1, 2022, as funding permits for this pilot program. Applications must include a brief (2-page maximum) description of the proposed sabbatical in industry along with letters of support from the host organization, a copy of the home institution’s faculty sabbatical policy, and a budget with justification. Individuals interested in a sabbatical at NIIMBL HQ would provide a description of their background and expertise as well as any skills they hope to develop as part of their experience. Other requirements that will be required in detail are listed below in this announcement. NIIMBL expects a maximum budget per sabbatical of $200,000.